
(V1) How to Upload DHL Tracking Number In Bulk?

(V1) How to Upload DHL Tracking Number In Bulk?

Step 1:

Download OPEN OFFICE in your pc
Apache OpenOffice – Official Download

Step 2:

Export the unscan order file [in CSV] from Payrecon

Step 3:

Open the file with OPEN OFFICE

Step 4:

Click on the Tracking Number column, and select Text as Column type

Step 5:

Then filter on the order tracking number that want to upload to Payrecon

Step 6:

Go back to Payrecon Scan/Bulk upload page, open the template file with Open Office

Step 7:

Click on the Tracking Number column, and select TEXT as Column type

Step 8:

Paste the tracking number in column A, then save the file

Step 9:

Go back to this page and upload the file

Step 10:

Tracking number will show out at Temporary List. Then click SET TO PREVIEW to continue process